sexta-feira, 1 de julho de 2011

Pavilhão de Verão da Serpentine Gallery

Foto de John Offenbach

Foi hoje inaugurado o pavilhão de 2011 da Serpentine Gallery, projetado por Peter Zumthor. O pavilhão foi construído com uma estrutura leve de madeira envolvida por uma tela e revestida com uma mistura preta de cola e areia. Segundo The Architects' Journal, Zumthor disse: "The concept for this year’s Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a contemplative room, a garden within a garden. The building acts as a stage, a backdrop for the interior garden of flowers and light. Through blackness and shadow one enters the building from the lawn and begins the transition into the central garden, a place abstracted from the world of noise and traffic and the smells of London – an interior space within which to sit, to walk, to observe the flowers. This experience will be intense and memorable, as will the materials themselves – full of memory and time."
Podemos ver o pavilhão e ouvir Zumthor neste pequeno filme.

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